Enhanced digital edition

available also in Italian

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As the only official representative of the U.S. government in Rome at the time of the Roman revolution of 1848, Nicholas Brown played a significant, if little known, role. Invoking American republican and Enlightenment values, he took an active part in supporting the newly proclaimed Roman Republic, in direct conflict with the instructions he received from the U.S. secretary of state…

David I. Kertzer, anthropologist and historian, is Dupee University Professor at Brown University. His works range from studies of the role of ritual and symbolism in politics to nineteenth and twentieth century Italian history. His book The Pope and Mussolini: The Secret History of Pius XI and the Rise of Fascism in Europe (2014) won the Pulitzer Prize in 2015. His most recent book on the Roman revolution, The Pope Who Would Be King, has been published also in Italian.